Onward! 2016
Sun 30 October - Fri 4 November 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands
co-located with SPLASH 2016
Wed 2 Nov 2016 11:20 - 11:45 at Zürich 2 - Session 1 Chair(s): Emerson Murphy-Hill

Nez is a PEG(Parsing Expressing Grammar)-based open grammar language that allows us to describe complex syntax constructs without action code. Since open grammars are declarative and free from a host programming language of parsers, software engineering tools and other parser applications can reuse once-defined grammars across programming languages.

A key challenge to achieve practical open grammars is the expressiveness of syntax constructs and the resulting parser performance, as the traditional action code approach has provided very pragmatic solutions to these two issues. In Nez, we extend the symbol-based state management to recognize context-sensitive language syntax, which often appears in major programming languages. In addition, the Abstract Syntax Tree constructor allows us to make flexible tree structures, including the left-associative pair of trees. Due to these extensions, we have demonstrated that Nez can parse many grammars of practical programming languages.

Nez can generate various types of parsers since all Nez operations are independent of a specific parser language. To highlight this feature, we have implemented Nez with dynamic parsing, which allows users to integrate a Nez parser as a parser library that loads a grammar at runtime. To achieve its practical performance, Nez operators are assembled into low-level virtual machine instructions, including automated state modifications when backtracking, transactional controls of AST construction, and efficient memoization in packrat parsing. We demonstrate that Nez dynamic parsers achieve very competitive performance compared to existing efficient parser generators.

Wed 2 Nov

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

10:30 - 12:10
Session 1Onward! Papers at Zürich 2
Chair(s): Emerson Murphy-Hill Google
Lightweight Programming Experiments without Programmers and Programs: An Example Study on the Effect of Similarity and Number of Object Identifiers on the Readability of Source Code using Natural Texts
Onward! Papers
Tim Marter University of Duisburg-Essen, Paul Babucke University of Duisburg-Essen, Philipp Lembken University of Duisburg-Essen, Stefan Hanenberg University of Duisburg-Essen
Emergent Software Services
Onward! Papers
Nicolás Cardozo Universidad de los Andes
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Nez: Practical Open Grammar Language
Onward! Papers
Kimio Kuramitsu Yokohama National University, Japan
Exploring Cheap Type Inference Heuristics in Dynamically Typed Languages
Onward! Papers
Nevena Milojković University of Bern, Oscar Nierstrasz University of Bern, Switzerland